Friday, December 14, 2007

Me: Taxi
Girl: Oh, is this the taxi company
ME: Yes it is, do you need a cab
Girl: um just a minute..."Babe, do we need a taxi cab?"
Me: do you?
Girl: Yeah we do
Me: Where are you?
Girl: um we are at my house
Me: ok where is that? the address please
Girl: we are at .... um "babe, whats my address??
Me: heavy sigh...
Girl: I will havwe to call you back when I figure out what my address is (giggle giggle) I'm not use to giving out my own address bye!
Me: what?
click hang up

Why?? I dont understand why when you call for a cab you dont have the pick up address and a valid phone number ready to give the me crazy, but that is what I would assume you would bad for assuming jack.....

this job always amazes me

but I am a Peacful type, so Power to the Ignorant? I suppose


Philip Newton said...

Thanks for posting in mixed case! I find it quite a bit more readable than ALL CAPS.


I get it now, hang with me, I am new to this -- PEACE